A Comprehensive Approach to Personal Growth
Modern life is a pretty complicated bagful of kittens.
On the one hand, we’ve come to believe that there’s more to life than making money, having fun, raising a family, and staying out of trouble (or getting into trouble, if that’s what you prefer).
But on the other hand, there’s so much going on in life that we hardly know where to begin.
We might want to get every part of our lives running happily along and playing nicely together… but there just seems to be so much to consider. We have noble dreams of balance and fulfilment and harmony, but how can we keep track of it all?
That’s where five-element theory comes in. It’s a system I use to ensure that my days are meaningfully spent, and it works, too.
Basically, this is an old concept which uses the five classical elements as shorthand for the various aspects of life: Earth, Water, Air, Fire, and Void (or as I prefer to call it, Whitespace). Put together, these five cover just about every aspect of human growth and personal development.
If you’re anything like me, this approach will give you a framework that can help you shape your life more wisely and effectively than you ever thought possible.
Let’s get to it.