Have you ever felt that you simply can’t get started or simply can’t focus your attention on a specific task?
It’s like the task has a force field around it, a sort of deflector shield that keeps moving you away on a tangent to go start doing something else.
This task could be anything.
It could be writing a report, preparing a lesson, filing your taxes, crafting an ad, going for a run, killing a roach, reading a textbook, sending an email, making a phone call, filling out a form, cleaning your kitchen.
It could be a big project that feels too large to tackle, or a small project that requires a significant mental shift from what you’ve been doing.
Whatever it is, it feels like the task is beyond you. You procrastinate like mad. It escapes you, it deflects you, you’re completely paralysed when you try to deal with it, your brain somehow seems to shut down and stop working.
And whenever you try to get it done you always seem to wind up doing something completely unrelated instead.
This happens over and over again, becoming increasingly traumatic each time.
I have a name for this state of affairs.
I call it horror.