You know what it feels like. You dread going to work. You feel tired all the time. You get upset about little things like people not saying hello to you in the morning.
You’re far too busy and overloaded to get the job done right, so you’re just phoning it in. You find it hard to focus. You stare into space a lot.
You used to love your job and you worked very hard at it. Now it seems like work never ends. It’s all-consuming. You no longer have time for former friendships and hobbies.
You feel like you no longer care about anything anymore.
All you want to do is escape.
And you hate it.
Welcome to Burnout
What is burnout, anyway? Here’s my definition:
Burnout is what happens after a period when your energy expenditure has been consistently greater than your ability to recover, draining your reserves to the point where you have no energy left.
That is, you’ve been draining the tank for too long and now you’re running on empty.